
Some tutorials on how to do various things with your images.

These tutorials on using image editing software such as Photoshop, Elements, etc., may be downloaded and saved to your hard disk.

They are in pdf format, and you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read them. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded here.
RESIZING IMAGES – Shows how to resize images for competition projection using Photoshop, Elements, Paint Shop Pro, Picasa, GIMP, Paint.net and Mac specific instructions.

ADDING A WATERMARK – Add a watermark to your image to protect your copyright. Photoshop and Elements.

Understanding the DSLR –1.Exposure 2.Metering

If you wish to try out a camera simulation which allows you to see the effect of altering aperture, shutter speed and ISO settings, visit this site.

If you have some questions to ask, or comments to make on your images, then why not upload them to Flickr and link them to the Club’s Flickr Group. There, members can see and discuss them and we can all benefit from our collective experiences. Note that you will need to join Flickr and then join the Club Group to do this. See the Flickr page.

League Competition Scoring: A presentation on our approach to scoring in League Competitions is available here Competition Scoring